Welcome to the 12th UCT Science Day!

When?  June 25, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
Where? Campus Niederrad, University Hospital Frankfurt, Building 22, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt/Main

The UCT Science Day aims at connecting the different disciplines of cancer research at the University Hospital Frankfurt, the Goethe University, the University Hospital Marburg and the Philipps University Marburg as well as their affiliated institutions. It focuses on scientific exchange and networking. All clinicians and scientists working in the field of cancer research – from PhD student to principal investigator – are encouraged to join this event!

Abstract Deadline: March 28, 2025
Registration Deadline: May 28, 2025

Program 12th UCT Science Day

The detailed program of the 12th UCT Science Day is currently in preparation.

Keynote Lecture: Prof. Andreas Trumpp, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg
"From Stem Cells in Leukemia to Neurons in Pancreatic Cancer"

Organizational Information

Please note the following instructions for participating in the 12th UCT Science Day:

If you would like to showcase your work at the UCT Science Day, you can apply for a talk or a poster presentation by submitting an abstract using the form below, marking one of the options “poster” or “poster or talk” at the bottom of the abstract template. 

The abstract deadline is on March 28, 2025. 

The talks will be selected after review of the respective abstracts by the Scientific Organizing Committee.

Please note that the number of posters will be limited. There will be two poster sessions. The authors of the best poster abstracts will have the chance to present their posters as flash talks in the plenary immediately before the poster sessions.

The best poster of each session and the best talk will be awarded at the end of the UCT Science Day! 

Instructions on Abstract Submission and Presentation

Please submit your abstract as a Word document, using the abstract form provided for download here and save your abstract document using the following name: LastName_FirstName_UCTSD_2025_abstractform.docx! 

Download Abstract Form

To submit your abstract, please use the abstract submission form below.
Abstract submission was successful when you are redirected to an "Abstract submitted" page and receive a confirmation e-mail.
If you have not received any confirmation e-mail within 24 hours, please try again or contact us.

After assessment of the abstract by the Scientific Organizing Committee, you will receive an e-mail notification informing you of acceptance and selection for talk or poster presentation. 

Posters should be printed in DIN A0, which is 84.1 cm (width) x 118.9 cm (height). Poster stripes and pins for poster setup will be provided at the conference venue.

Notes on Registration

The UCT Science Day will be held as on-site event at the Campus Niederrad (University Hospital Frankfurt, Building 22). Due to the capacity of the lecture hall, a personal online registration of each participant in advance of the event is necessary.

The participation is free of charge, but since the number of participants will be limited, we cannot guarantee that every registered participant can be admitted to the UCT Science Day. Tickets will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis, so we kindly recommend registering promptly. After reaching the maximum number of participants, the registration portal will be closed and all further candidates will be put on a late list.

Registration and Abstract Submission

Registration for UCT Science Day

UCT Science Day Registration Form

Participant Information
Photos and videos will be taken during the event for public relations purposes. By selecting the following checkbox, the participant agrees that the photos and videos taken in connection with the event may be published, used, edited and reproduced by the organizer for representation purposes on the intranet, on the internet (including social media platforms) and in print and presentation media without any claim to remuneration. This consent is voluntary and can be changed or completely revoked at any time in writing to the organizers with effect for the future. We would like to point out that people who do not agree to this will be assigned a special seat during the event.
Please solve the equation and enter the result as number here:*
* Pflichtfeld

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Form UCT Science Day 2025

Abstract Submission Form UCT Science Day 2025
Please select your files now:*
Please solve the equation and enter the result as number here:*
* Pflichtfeld

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

The Organizers

The Members of the Scientific Organizing Committee

Sebastian Adeberg, Canan Arkan, Jörg W. Bartsch, Raj Bhayadia, Halvard Bönig, Christian Brandts, Christian Buchholz, Malte Buchholz, Andreas Burchert, Xinlai Cheng, Anjali Cremer, Carsten Denkert, Ivan Đikić, Henner Farin, Nadine Flinner, María Gómez-Serrano, Thorsten Götze, Niklas Gremke, Thomas Gress, Florian Greten, Oliver Hantschel, Ann-Christin Hau, Dirk Heckl, Magdalena Huber, Katharina Imkeller, Elke Jäger, Moritz Jesinghaus, Manuel Kaulich, Jan-Henning Klusmann, Konstantinos Kokkaliaris, Stefan Knapp, Christine Koch, Donat Kögel, Matthias Lauth, Robert Liefke, Stefan Müller, Christian Münch, Thomas Oellerich, Albrecht Piiper, Joachim Steinbach, Elke Pogge von Strandmann, Henning Reis, Yvonne Reiss, Eva Rettinger, Michael Rieger, Claus Rödel, Sebastian Scheich, Bastian Schilling, Mark Schmitt, Hubert Serve, Zuzana Tatarova, Mélanie Tichet, Torsten Tonn, Jörg Trojan, Michael Tyler, Hannah Uckelmann, Evelyn Ullrich, Jörg Janne Vehreschild, Marit Vermunt, Alexander Visekruna, Jonas Vischedyk, Armin Wiegering, Peter Wild, Sebastian Wolf, Thomas Wündisch


Should you have any questions, please contact: